Archive For The “3D modeling” Category

Recently I’ve been on a kick to design my own versions of three (and maybe four) props from Star Trek: Strange New Worlds. I completed models for a Communicator, the temporal device from the episode “Tomorrow”, and just finished a Tricorder model. Here are rendered versions of each and some pics of a built tricorder….

I recently finished modeling the communicator from the 2001 series ‘Enterprise’. I’ll likely be posting this model on cgtrader soon.

As a kid, Ultraman ran in the afternoons after school and I always wanted a Beta Capsule. And now I finally have one. 🙂 Designed and built in a afternoon. Model available on MyMiniFactory.

This is a replica of the arm control unit on the spacesuits from 2001: A Space Odyssey. I modeled and printed the it in four pieces: the IBM button, the top and bottom rows of buttons, and the chassis. The two metallic buttons are covered in aluminum tape and then sanded for a brushed look….

A 3D-printable scream canister from Monsters , Inc. Designed in 123Design and available for your (non-commercial) use here: Thingiverse

This model of Robert Kinoshita’s brilliant Robot B9 (Lost in Space) was created from scratch using various reference sources. It is put together more like a model kit as most joins need to be glued. You can download this design for free.